

The right coach with the right tools will inspire more youth to play more sport and in turn become more confident in their lives.

Active Kids do better in life.
Especially if they have active parents.

SOURCE: The Aspen Institute

15% more likely
to go to college

Up to 40% higher
test scores

Less smoking, drug use, pregnancy & risky sex


BOUNX is rooted
with the ideal that children
have the right to sport
and great coaching.

Children's Rights & Sports
To Play Sports.
Organizations should make every effort to accommodate children’s interests to participate, and to help them play with peers from diverse backgrounds.
To Safe and Healthy Environments.
Children have the right to play in settings free from all forms of abuse (physical, emotional, sexual), hazing, violence, and neglect.
To Qualifed Program Leaders.
Children have the right to play under the care of coaches and other adults who pass background checks and are trained in key competencies.
To Developmentally Appropriate Play.
Children have a right to play at a level commensurate with their physical, mental and emotional maturity, and their emerging athletic ability. They should be treated as young people first, athletes second.
To share inthe planning and delivery of their activities.
Children have the right to share their view points with coaches and for their insights to be incorporated into activities.
To an equal opportunity for personal growth.
Programs should invest equally in all child athletes, free of discrimination based on any personal or family characteristic.
To be treated with dignity.
Children have the right to participate in environments that promote the values of sportsmanship, of respect for opponents, officials, and the game.
To enjoy themselves.
Children have the right to participate in activities they consider fun, and which foster the development of friendships and social bonds.
Coach Nick Bollettieri
Legendary Tennis Coach
BOUNX Investor
A coach is far more than just teaching a student how to hit a ball, it is about building their character and self-esteem so they can fight the devils that exist in the world, improving their enthusiasm for education and lastly, helping them them get better at sport."
Coach Nick Bollettieri
Legendary Tennis Coach
BOUNX Investor

Tracking the Right Numbers Builds Better Athlete Experiences.

Coach Mike Barrell
Founder of Evolution Kids Tennis
Evolution Kids Tennis
Not the number in your classes, but kids that play outside of lessons! How many play with their friends, parents or siblings? How many attend the events you run or play matches.

Kids who build their experience are showing commitment to the game which now gives purpose to the lessons.
We know that kids playing onetime a week are unlikely to gain the necessary skills for life.

It doesn’t matter if it’s sport, music, art or languages, you won’t get competent and make it a big part of your life unless you do enough! So count the number of kids who come more than once a week! It may only be a small number to start with, but work on growing that number each and every term.
How many kids graduated from one program to the next? Are you mapping this progress for your program because you can be sure that every parent knows exactly how long their child has been in each level.
Do you know your annual retention rate? How many kids left your program and what were the reasons?

If we position it as a lesson based sport we fail to make the most of the opportunities for kids to play the game, make friends, and feel important.
The BOUNX Experience


A simple question to inspire.

Learning and mastering a sport is hard work.
Experience Points (aka XP) is our way to inspire athletes to stay in the game longer.

The Power
of Knowledge to
Drive Engagement.

Coaches and Teachers that can see a complete view of a student’s activities are able to provide higher quality and more constructive engagement.

Parents that have a complete view of their child’s activities can choose when and how to positively re-enforce their child’s excitement about learning.
The Power of Knowledge.
The Art of the Badge


Inspire each athlete. Simply & Powerfully.

Badges by BOUNX have been curated for coaches and teachers to recognize the magical moments in a student’s development.

Coaches who understand how to make badges and the moments they represent memorable and meaningful are more likely to help students achieve more than they thought possible.


Gamified Coaching Experience.
Complete Academy Management (Finance + Marketing).
Club Tournament System.